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Mother-in-Law Drama

During the three years that Brad and I dated before he proposed to me, I was never asked by anyone if I had problems with his mom. Likewise, Brad was never asked if he and my mom had issues. But after we announced our engagement, we discovered the social norm of mother-in-law speculation.

I don’t know how it got started, but I know that everyone kind of just expects to have issues with mother-in-laws. I think that more often than not the expectation of problems causes problems.

There are people out there who have legitimate conflicts with their in-laws that are over real issues, but I feel like this isn’t the norm. I know more couples who have excellent in-law relationships, even though there are a few bumps in the road (as with any relationship) it overall works out.

It seems like a rite of passage for wifehood to swap MIL stories with her girlfriends. Sure, everyone has a story of that crazy thing she did or said, but most of the time they aren’t the horror stories that are sometimes embellished.

So here’s my challenge in consideration of Mother’s Day this weekend, try to stop perpetuating drama when it comes to in-laws.

My mother-in-law is nothing like my mom… and that’s 100% okay with me. She raised my husband and for that I love her. If my husband and I had moms that were alike, we wouldn’t be the same people that the other fell in love with.

Next time something your significant other’s mom does makes your eye twitch, take a second and a breath and remember that you love their child and the part she played in his or her character.

On another note…

I’d like to wish an early happy Mother’s Day to my own mom who brought me into this world and played a huge part in the woman and wife that I’ve become. I love you mom!

Also, thank you to the various moms with diabetes and moms of children with diabetes who have been sources of information to me these past two years!

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Diagnosed as an adult: An interview with mom

The other ladies

Hi Mom!

Hello March!

I generally like the month of March.

My birthday is in March, and I still like birthdays!

If you live in northeast Ohio, you know that March is a pretty bi-polar month. Sometimes it’s frigid and snowy, other years it’s practically summer and yet other years this month covers the entire weather spectrum. Regardless of how the weather actually behaves at any given time, March holds out hope for spring, sunshine and longer days.

So far, we’ve had a busy March… and it’s only the 4th!

This weekend, we celebrated several birthdays including our own. Next weekend is all about me and my birthday! Even though being born on the 8th means I was a winter baby, I still feel like my birthday means Spring.

Aside from birthdays, March is full of holidays, this year especially!

Happy National Grammar Day!

Starting with today, National Grammar Day! In honor of National Grammar Day, think about the grammar problem you have most often, then make a conscious effort to fix it.

In March we’ll also celebrate:

  • March 14th is Pi Day, another nerdy holiday but is often celebrated with tasty dessert. Why Pi Day? It’s 3.14
  • St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th and everything green that comes with it!
  • The first official day of spring
  • Easter and all of the surrounding observances

I have lots of fun things happening including a work cupcake event and a product launch.

Happy almost spring friends! What are you looking forward to this month?

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Summer in March

Things I enjoyed in March

Easter Events

Thursday’s Menu

I shared our Valentine’s Day menu with you last week before we even got a chance to taste what we were going to make.

I’d give us a C in presentation…

Grilled Filet

Brad marinated our filet in an herbed balsamic vinegar before grilling it to perfection. Sorry no recipe for that!

Red Potatoes

The red potato bite recipe that I used was definitely a keeper! I replaced the garlic salt with just plain garlic and added only one twist on the salt grinder instead of a whole teaspoon. No one had bad breath though!

Roasted Asparagus

Despite what Brad said on the questionnaire, roasted asparagus might be his favorite thing that I make. It’s incredibly easy… so I’ll share the recipe. Read the rest of this entry

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day dear readers!

I’m loving Valentine’s Day this year! It started off not so great but definitely improved. I have to say that I’m a completely spoiled little wife. Last year on our first married Valentine’s Day, Brad delivered roses to me at work. This year, I wasn’t expecting anything and in a strange repeat of last year, I was in my boss’ office when he shows up with roses again and Starbucks! He knows me so well.

I’m really excited about our dinner this evening, the menu is:

In the spirit of love, romance and marriage blogging, I’m linking up for Valentine’s Day and answering these questions (and so is Brad!): Read the rest of this entry

Disjointed Thoughts on Valentine’s Day

Being married to the love of my life means that I have a valentine on Valentine’s Day, which is great. But I think the holiday is getting to be over inflated.

I enjoy hearts, pink and roses possibly as much, but probably less, than the next girl. I do however like romance as much, if not more, than the next girl.

Our Tradition

This was taken on our first Valentine’s day together

Last year, Brad and I started a bit of a Valentine’s Day tradition that I think has staying power because we agreed to do it again this year. Instead of trying to get a reservation for an over-priced meal for two last Valentine’s day, we hit the grocery store and picked out two filets and cooked up a tasty meal together of bacon-wrapped filet, roasted asparagus and rosemary smashed red potatoes, complimented by a bottle of red wine. We dimmed the lights in our apartment, lit some candles and enjoyed each others company. We chose not to exchange gifts.


Valentine’s day is a good reminder to keep romance in your relationship, but Valentine’s day and your anniversary can’t be the only days when you make romantic gestures during the year.

It’s a Day Read the rest of this entry

Holidays, Food and Diabetes

I had absolutely no idea that my diabetes would be considered the only appropriate topic for a greeting or a dinner conversation with me.

I work very hard to keep sarcastic and rude responses at bay in these situation, which sometimes turns into a blog post to let it out  vent. Some people have gotten the thought in their heads that since I’m type 1 it’s okay to ask me my blood sugar, but they don’t ask the type 2s around me (they’re half-way to politeness). As we head deeper into the holidays, here are some things to keep in mind if you’ll be spending time with a person who has diabetes (of any type!):

  • How are you feeling? How’s you insulin pump working? and similar questions are NOT greetings. “How are you?” is a greeting.
  • People with diabetes test their blood sugar, it doesn’t need to be acknowledged or questioned. People with diabetes also use the bathroom, please stop asking me how my blood sugar is after I return from using the facilities. Sometimes I just have to pee and it has nothing to do with a busted pancreas.
  • My last a1c or whether I’m not eating something because of diabetes aren’t appropriate topics of conversation. Jobs, families, current events, etc are appropriate topics of conversation. If you’re really curious about how my insulin pump or CGM work (or where they’re placed), please ask me one-on-one. Half the time my Dexcom sensor is stuck in my glutes and I don’t enjoy talking about my butt at the dinner table.
  • I can’t always control what my face does. I make faces at my meter, I make faces when I do math. Don’t assume there’s a problem, unless my face looks like I’m choking.
  • Offer all food/beverages to all people (except when age-restricted). If they accept, don’t judge them. If they turn it down, don’t question. Some people (even those without diabetes) would prefer to pass on unhealthy foods or things they don’t like while others take the many holiday goodies as an opportunity to have a treat.
  • It’s nice and extremely thoughtful to offer low-carb options and diet beverages. Thank you!

Also, if fruit is the dessert for everyone, cool. If chocolate cake is the dessert for everyone but me and you give me fruit, it’s not cool.

If you have 6ish minutes… watch this awesome video that Mike Lawson made on the subject.

What tips do you have for dining with a person who happens to have diabetes?

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Are you feeling better?

The ones who love us

Diagnosed as an adult: An interview with mom


Santa! I know him!

I had my picture taken with Santa for the first time in my life last night.

I’ll give that a second to sink in….

It gets better. Not only did I get to have my picture taken with Santa, I found out that we’re related.

Okay well sort of related, I married his son.

No Friday Five today. I was far too tired last night to write anything.

Why was I tired?

Brad and I left right after work and headed to his high school to surprise his younger brother at his Christmas choir concert. I hadn’t had the opportunity to see my new-ish little brother perform before so it was a good time. We got there early when the students were having a break between shows. The videographer (my mother-in-law) snuck us in before the doors opened and the look on Brian’s face when he saw us was worth the price of admission (and we did get tickets to the show).

The choirs were excellent! The favorite song of the evening was Fruitcake.

My brother-in-law wasn’t the only family member performing on stage last evening, my father-in-law played the role of Santa. He was kind enough to stay in costume after the show so that I could get my first-ever picture with Santa along with many others who wanted the photo op.

I suppose some day if my husband takes over the family business, I’ll have to relocate to the North Pole. (And people think Cleveland is cold!)

– – –

We’re doing all sorts of family festivities this weekend including what has become an annual trip to Gervasi Vineyard with my in-laws and then having Christmas with my mom. What are you up to this weekend?

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Big sister pride

It’s beginning to look like Christmas

Tradition and memories

It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

I was really excited to decorate our new house for Christmas, so of course I must share it with you! I was originally going to share this on Friday, but I took my remaining vacation day of 2012 and finished my Christmas shopping and got myself fitted for contacts, so I didn’t get to posting.

So for a little Monday cheer, here are the trees!

The 3-foot college tree remains:

The 6-foot everything tree: Read the rest of this entry

Is there anything new?

On my last post, Scott commented about holiday music and the super-sized doses we get of it, which pretty much voiced something I’d been thinking of since late October.

On November 1st, a local radio station switched to all holiday music, all the time, which made me consistently hop over it until after Thanksgiving. I grew up in church and to this day, many of my favorite Christmas songs are hymns.

I feel like there are thousands of new songs that come out every year, but there aren’t really any new Christmas songs. Am I wrong and just missing the new songs?

Here’s one of my favorites. I remember listening to it early, early Christmas morning while driving home from the 11pm Christmas Eve church service.

Are there any particular holiday songs that stir a memory in you?

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Tradition and Memories


Bring it on 2012

Holiday Love/Hate

There’s just something about the holiday season that seems… magical I guess. But every year there are things that raise the stress levels to the max that result in a love/hate relationship with the season.


1. Decorations. Everything looks so pretty during the holidays and as outside gets dull and dark the color and sparkle that comes along with the decorations we put up are very welcome.

2. Seasonal smells and tastes. There are some candles that can only be burned this time of year just like there are some treats that can only be baked this time of year.

3. Anticipation. I feel like there’s so much to look forward to for each celebration.

4. Time with family. There’s a huge family focus on the holidays and I can’t say I’d have it any other way.

5. Rest. I feel like we get a much-needed break at the holidays then a fresh start for a new year.


1. Travel. Teleportation would be a welcome development to ease holiday travel. Driving here, there and everywhere can be exhausting and expensive. Thankfully, we don’t have to fly for holiday visiting.

2. Scheduling. It’s tough to balance when to see people, trying to equitably split time with each side of the family is absolutely impossible. Not to mention trying to see friends too.

3. Crowds. There are at least twice as many people at stores and restaurants this time of year. I don’t know where they call come from!

4. Traffic. This is indirectly related to travel and crowds. Not only does it seem like there are more people on the road, driving skills and attention behind the wheel do down the toilet this time of year.

5.Cold. Snow and ice are pretty to look at, but I’m not a fan of anything else they bring with them. Once the holidays are over… we know that winter is going to be in full force.

What about you? Anything about this time of year that makes you love it, hate it, or both?

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