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Birthday Weekend

My birthday was Friday so I got to spend the whole weekend celebrating it!

Friday evening, armed with our Foodie Cleveland cards, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Lock Keepers in Valley View with our good friends. Afterward we all came back to our house for a movie on the big screen and Main Street Cupcakes (that I had decorated myself at a work event).

A Tasty Lock 39

Aren’t they pretty?

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Friday Five: Birthday Edition

I doubt that I’ll be one of those women who dreads birthdays. I may lament that I’m old some days, but never on my birthday. I figured today, I would share five birthday memories that made me smile as I approached one more year older.

1. For either my 6th or 7th birthday (childhood gets a little foggy sometimes), my parents gave me a yellow stuffed bunny that reminded me of my cake so I called it Frosting. Frosting currently lives in my attic.

2. I volunteered to participate in a work weekend at our church camp over my 15th birthday. When one of the organizers found out it was my birthday, he got cake and ice cream and all of the volunteers celebrated with me.

3. For my 19th birthday, Northeast Ohio had a legitimate blizzard and most of the area shut down, canceling the fancy dinner plans that Brad had made for us. His family came out and got me, we played in the snow, had a private dinner made for us and they made me a cake. The next day, when clearing out got started, my siblings came over and I got another party. Dinner reservations were remade and my birthday lasted a lot longer.

That’s a man skiing down the street

4. On my 21st birthday, I had balloons tied to me. Read the rest of this entry

The Auto Show, a Birthday Tradition

My husband is officially older than me for the next week and a half. We had a whirlwind couple of days in celebration.

On Friday, we unexpectedly received tickets to the Cleveland Auto Show preview night. So we got some Mexican food and margaritas (Did you know Friday was National Margarita Day?) with our friends before heading to the IX Center. We had a good time checking out the cars and I got to do the Jeep Experience.

Here’s Brad’s video from the 2012 Jeep Experience (it didn’t change much… just the years of the vehicles)

I also rode the IX Center Ferris wheel for the first (and last) time. The view of the airport at night is pretty cool, but the gondola-style seating freaked me out. We were up very high and there aren’t seat belts!

On Saturday (Brad’s actual birthday) the guys went back to the auto show to do the ride and drive events. They got to drive a Cadillac CTS-V, which was the main event as far as the guys were concerned. That evening we introduced my in-laws to the Great Lakes Brewing Company and their amazing food (and beer, but that’s a given).

We capped off a wonderful evening with birthday cheesecake.

–  –  –

When given my Pinterest board of recipes last year, Brad decided that he’d like the Bailey’s Irish Cream Cheesecake. This year he requested it again and I’ve gotten the recipe tweaked to where I like it finally!

Rachel’s Coffee Bailey’s Cheesecake (adapted from this recipe)

Ingredients: Read the rest of this entry

Big Sister Pride

When I was little, I used to tell my mom that I wanted a younger sibling. My desire to be a big sister didn’t convince my parents to have more children after me, so I grew up as the youngest of three children.

When Brad and I started dating, his younger brother was in middle school. By the time Brad and I got married, my new “little brother” (who is significantly taller than me) was a young man of 16. I finally have the chance to experience what it’s like to be a real older sister and all of the pride that comes along with watching a sibling grow up and experience those special milestones.

Thins like getting a text message from him when he passed his driver’s license exam, being shown his first car, watching him be recognized at a school banquet and even tying the ribbon on his girlfriend’s birthday present are those big sister things that are a bonus of becoming a part of the K-fam.

On Monday, my “little” brother turned 18!

Happy Birthday (again) Brian!

Stretching the definition of “little brother”

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What a Weekend!



That had been birthday flan

I celebrated my 23rd birthday last week. I’ve always enjoyed birthdays and this one was no exception.

It was my first birthday since college, and the first birthday in a few years that I didn’t have spring break. My mom came to visit on Friday and we were talking about age and the perception of being old. I commented that on Brad’s birthday several people said things like, “Happy birthday old man!” but no one called me old (and I’m not complaining). After age 21, there aren’t very many “milestone” birthdays until you hit 50. So I’m in the phase where I’m definitely not a kid anymore, but I also don’t feel like a “real grown up” most of the time and I often suppress the habit of addressing my elders as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” (It may be respectful, but there are many work situations where it’s inappropriate to do so).

Numbers are often considered to be solid. They quantify something, in the case of age, the number quantifies your years on earth and that’s pretty solid. But in the science of aging, your actual age is irrelevant. Somehow in the course of this conversation, my mom decided that 35 had been a very good age. “Anywhere between 35 and 40 were good years,” she told us. Read the rest of this entry

Birthday Thursday

I’m celebrating my first post-college birthday today. (Which means it’s my first birthday in a few years that I haven’t been on spring break.)

While I’m enjoying my low carb chocolate cupcake, enjoy some of my morning Timeline entertainment.

Obviously, Bradley is myhusband. Mark is one of our former professors, and the only professor who had us in two classes that we took together.

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The Husband’s Birthday Weekend

My husband celebrated his birthday on Thursday, we decided to do most of our celebrating this weekend.

My in-laws came up on Saturday and we sent the guys off to the Cleveland Auto Show where they claim to have enjoyed themselves. They got to look at, sit in, ride in and even test drive some pretty cool cars.

Brad actually grabbed this video of the Jeep Experience while he was waiting in line to participate (Check out how many Jeeps they have running the course and everything happening in the background!):

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